Many providers choose to maintain that their software is always in Beta, as they are continually evolving and improving the product. 很多提供者选择将他们的软件一直维持在Beta状态,因为他们在不断地革新和改进产品。
Many Agile teams wrongly assume that this means shipping the software to one or more customers, having them install it, and then providing the developers with feedback ( like a beta program). 许多敏捷团队错误地认为这意味着将软件传送给一个或者更多的客户,让他们安装,然后给开发人员提供反馈(比如beta程序)。
In fact, Google uses the beta version in production software. 事实上,Google在产品软件中使用的是beta版。
There is a fix on the way for this problem, but it still wasn't in the late beta software I was trying out. 这也证实了一个已知的错误,但是在这个范围内还没有永久的解决方法。
This is beta software. 这是测试版软件。
This is considered beta software, you use it at your own risk. 这被认为是测试版软件,您可以使用它需要您自担风险。
This freeware version is BETA test software. 这个免费版本是试用版测试软件。
As a side note, this is also the primary reason we're unable to perform or allow any public beta testing of our software before it's released. 附带一提,这也是主要原因我们无法执行或允许任何公开测试,测试的软件之前,它的发布。
IE8 will be available for public download as a "beta" version, but Microsoft would not commit to a date for the software to be bundled into the windows operating system. 8浏览器将提供试用版(beta)供公众下载,但微软不愿就该软件与windows操作系统的绑定日期做出承诺。
Beta software is usually available only to particular users who will test it. 贝它软件通常被那些愿意测试它的用户所接受。
A new Google service currently in the beta phase will let BlackBerry users push Gmail e-mail and calendar items on their native client software, according to a Tuesday report. 一项正在Beta测试阶段的谷歌服务将允许黑莓用户使用BES(BlackBerryEnterpriseSoftware)推送Gmail邮件或日历信息。
You can also use this e-mail address for all correspondence regarding to our beta software. 试用软件的有关事宜,你也可以发送电邮到以上的地址。
We would think beta software is just for the testers and it's dangerous. 我们还会认为测试软件只是给测试的人用的,并且不安全。
Now is the beta version of this software, you can use free of charge. 现在是测试版的这个软件,可以免费使用。
JetBrains development team recently announced the release of beta version of MPS software. JetBrains开发团队近日宣布推出MPS的beta版。
As an AVG Beta Program participant you have an opportunity to influence the creation process for security software that is utilized by millions of users all over the world. 作为一个平均测试计划的参与者您有机会来影响创建过程中的安全软件,是利用数以百万计的世界各地的用户。
Expressed protein was analyzed to determine quality and quantity by Western-blot and Scion Image 4.02 Beta software. 利用Western-blot和ScionImage4.02Beta生物学图像分析软件对表达蛋白进行定性和定量分析。
The beta version of software has not yet achieved the full functionality of the model, but the important network functions and basic file operations have been implemented already. 得到的测试版软件虽未实现模型的全部功能,但重点的网络功能和基本文件操作都已经实现。